Three Tries for $1.00 and the Winner Gets a Giant Pink Teddy Bear
Welcome to all those linked from The Carnival of the Capitalists.
Welcome to all those linked from The Carnival of the Capitalists.
A new (and apparently a rather dark) blogger named Abner Gromble has brought to my attention that computer-generated music is no longer a pipe dream in Ray Kurzweil’s fertile imagination.
This guy raises some interesting questions. Note that he's holding the rabbit blackmail for $50,000.00, and has already raised $15,000.00.
Here's why I haven't been blogging:
The Wikipedia Watchword of the Day is
Post-Modern Clog talks about Tulipgirl talking about a rather intriguing
Maurice Hinchey is no longer fit to be a member of Congress.
The Wikipedia is down. For your arcane knowledge needs, try reading a book or calling an old relative.
The Good SarahK has chosen a rather profound verse for her weekly bible posting.
Those who think that Christianity is somehow backwards, regressive, or superstitious must seriously consider the paradigm shift that Paul offered to the world. Before Jesus, people would earnestly worship stone, wood and metal statues as their gods. Only the Jews knew better (although some Greeks, and maybe some Buddists, were on the right track). Jesus, through Paul, gave to some people the first glimpse of metaphysical truth they’d ever seen in their lives.
I’ll bet when you’re flippin'like that, it almost seems like eternity.
Today I listened to Telemann on my way to do some weekend work. I've listened to classical music since I was 16 years old, and before that, there was no music I liked. Hated grunge, hated alternative, really hated (c)rap.
I took off of work early due to physical illness. Not "I'm not feeling well. May I have the rest of the day off?" ill, but "Oh my God! What the hell is going on? I need to see a doctor!" ill. Here's a hint for you: It happened in the bathroom, and it's the first time in awhile I've seen that much blood come out of me.
Good news over at TIFI: Mr. Suleske has taken a wife (and a rather fine catch, if I dare say so myself).
The Wikipedia Watchword of the Day is:
The Wikipedia Watchword of the Day is
I just saw Matt Drudge on Hannity & Colmes, Fox News. I was surprised at how disheveled & utterly asymetrical the man looks. His collar was undone and his tie was crooked. He was constantly leaning in to his left, and his hair was parted weirdy to the right. His ears and nose were disproportionately large to his already bulbous head. If you didn't know him, you'd think he had scoliosis or something. He looked like he was rehearsing for Richard III or I, Claudius.
The site meter tells the story. On Friday, I get linked by Bigwig links to me and I get over 100 links. On Saturday night, I post a simple link on LGF's Open Topic thread and I get over 200 links. Thank you both, and to viewers from both for caring.
The Wikipedia Watchword of the day is
"This is the most unbalanced university I have come across when it comes to issues related to the Middle East."
I hope this isn't a sign that I'm running out of blog material, but the best thing I can think about writing is some fun (?!) mathematical tricks.
Apparently, the radiowaves I've been beaming over North Carolina have been working. Silflay Hraka saw fit to link to the post below, due to the ever so subtle mental cues in my email to him. Since this morning, links to this sight have been in the hundreds! Three-figures I tell you!!
Watership Dune: A dissent group of rabbits colonize the desert planet Arakis and are exposed to the psycho-stimulative drug melange, which gives them power to formulate their own language and communicate with seagulls and giant sandworms. Their leader, Hazel Atreides, then wages a relentless jihad against the infamous Baron Woundwort to both seize his female does and monopolize the intergalactic spice trade.
Having trouble at work? Want your colleagues to like you? Do you want to make ornery co-workers become your bidding slaves? The follow these easy instructions to send subliminal messages to your co-workers:
To this list, they need to add the following:
Ender Shrugged: A race of collectivist aliens threatens to
destroy Earth as all our Earth's finest starfighters go on strike
against the world's emerging socialist order, latently ruled by 10 year
old Peter Wiggin. His plucky younger sister, railroad mogul and
conservative ideologue Valentine, seeks our her long lost brother and
"strike leader", the rumored Ender Galt. Will Ender be man's destroyer
or liberator? Will Valentine destroy the company she loves, or join
forces with the boy she has sworn to destroy?
Baltimore Mayor Compares Budget Pork Cuts to 9/11 Attacks
Years ago, terrorist smashed a plane into the World Trade Center. They did that because that was the best way to take away what gave us pride. Today, the car company repossessed my Cadillac for failing to make my car payments. And with a tow truck of terrorism, GMAC is dragging away what gives me pride. They are impounding the very core of my being!
The Wikipedia Watchword of the Day is
See the dissonance between these two graphs?
The Wikipedia Watchword of the Day is
Pursuant to Mr. Devine's advice, I took some time tonight at Barnes & Noble to read
So - and I'm not saying this is necessarily true - it looks like humanity is just a byproduct of an elaborate sting operation on the devil. Pretty heavy, huh?
Quotulatiousness noticed me trolling around Damian Penny's blog and liked what I had to say. Since he's into quotations, maybe someone should tell him about my Overheard in Conversation series.
Internet Monk really really doesn't approve of Joel Osteen. He's the pastor of Lakewood Church, one of the Southern/Texas "magechurches" which claims a congregation in the thousands. I use to watch John Osteen on TBN, have seen Joel a few times. I thought them both good preachers, though not necessarily great. In other words, I'm knowledgeable, but not an expert, on Osteen.
I want to challenge the Christian Blogosphere to devote at least one substantial post to outing Joel Osteen. Why is a man who doesn't preach the gospel the most popular preacher in America? Are we going to take note of what kind of message is going to be identified as building the largest church in America? In short, who in the blogosphere is willing to stand up and say "Joel Osteen's message of positive thinking as a way to God's favor isn't the Christian Gospel."
The Wikipedia Watchword of the Day is
It's strawberries! I thought you'd like them!
Wow! Just caught a whiff of this on Cartoon Network. Usually there good at keeping themselves away from tweeny-bopper crap like this, unlike the Disney Channel or the fallen once-great dynasty that was Nickelodeon. (Don't get me wrong. Spongebob's great, but he seriously needs to renegotiate his contract to keep those shitty little junior high veejays from tainting his show.)
There's a bill before the Virginia General Assembly that would require a fetus to be sedated before being aborted.
Under the fetal-pain legislation sponsored by Del. Richard H. Black, R-Loudoun, a doctor must anesthetize a fetus 20 weeks or older during an abortion procedure.
Currently, there is "nothing to relieve a child's terror and suffering," argued Black, holding a plastic model of a fetus in each hand.
"I hope you will have the merciful impulse to vote for this proposal," Black told the House before it advanced, the measure to a final vote, perhaps as early as today.
See The Ad FOX Rejected Dylan
Malone says President Bush's proposal would hurt innocent victims of
medical negligence like his son. But FOX Network won't air his message.Read More...
(My Apologies for the above. It was the best I could do with my limited HTML experience)
That ad now runs on Instapundit's right panel roll of blogads. The only problem? I saw that ad on Fox News last night! I even blogged about seeing it last night, and thought it was oddly-timed. (See 8:47pm).
The commercial had that same exact CGI looking guy was talking about, to paraphrase, how Bush wanting tort reform was tantamount to killing his baby child. That commercial-- in theory--is just as repugnant as the NAACP "dragging" ad run in the 2000 election. Granted, they could probably defend the statement on the blogad by saying that "Fox Network" means the main network and not its cable channels. Still dishonest and misleading, just like the premise of the commercial is dishonest.
UPDATE:The Puppy BlenderNapoleon DynamiteProfessor Reynolds sent me this ominous email:
Well, perhaps Fox ran it in response to the irresistible pressure of a
blogad on InstaPundit.
Hmmm? Sarcastic derison at misinterpreting facts? Good-Natured riveing coupled with confident self-deprecation? Disdain that a small-time blogger would waste his time? You be the judge.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
State of the Union Liveblogging
8:45pm--I'll be watching the SOTUA on Fox News. O'Reilly and Tony Snow were chit-chatting about Social Security reform. If I could take just a fraction of my Social Security money and pay that into a 401K, I'd build the statue to Bush with my own hands.
**WARNING: Gratuitious typos ahead, due to fast typing**
8:47pm--I haven't watch O'Reilly in a while, so I don't know if its normal for O'reilly's show, or caused by the SOTUA, but I just saw three political ads in a row. The First was an anti-PETA (!) petition, the second was a "Bush kills babies by wanting tort reform" and, the third was for "torts suits make fat people sue girl scouts for selling cookies". BTW, the sit will lead you to Apparently, they were wiley enough (and well-connected with Fox News enough?) to sandwich a anti-tort reform suit between two of their ads.
8:56pm--Supposedly, some statesmen have dyed their finger purple to celebrate the Iraqi elections. Next year's big fad?
9:08--He has a new haircut and a red power tie. Apparently, he means business tonight.
9:12--Maybe its just my new TV, but everything looks really shiny, compared to SOTUAs I've seen. There showing off their fingers!
9:14--As a neat trick, bush looks thinner, with two fat guys sitting behind him. "The US. has added 2.3 million new jobs." take that, Kerry/Pelosi/Kennedy.
9:15--To early to tell, but it looks like this is going to be a common "laundry list" SOTUA. Good, but unimpressive. Not a 2001 SOTU. Whoa, "junk lawsuits"! Thus the commercials earlier.
9:18pm--"Improved information technologies" for health care? (1) Isn't that something the free market can do, and (2) isn't that contradictory with HIPPA?
9:22pm--Fight the tax code through a Congressional Committee? A wishy-washy stand on immigration? Not his strongest points.
9:25pm--Regarding Social Security, no changes for old people, plugging the "obsolescence" theme, bankruptcy of the system by 2040s has some effect with the Congress (hard to tell if positive or negative to Bush).
9;28pm--Sounds like a pretty utilitarian, number-crunching speech. Not famously eloquent, but may have good, subtle long-term effects.
9:32--When Bush started mentioning personal accounts for Social Security, it was as if the two halves of the room were in different states; the right half clearly cheered, the left didn't. Gee, which view do you think is going to go over better with the twenty to thirty something voters, you liberal dumb-fucks.
9:35--Back to the laundry list--stem-cells, judges, faith-based initiatives etc.
9:38--More money wasted on AIDS, an incurable disease, when its almost 10X as funded as heart/cancer research, which are the common cause of death and where real progress is possible. Death row lawyers? WTF!
9:42--Here comes the saber-rattling part of the SOTU, always after the domestic agenda.
9:45--Hmmm? He mentioned Zaqawi, but not Bin Laden. 'Democracy = Peace" echos from his inauguation. A hat tip to Ukraine. Ha! Caught Sen. Biden off guard on an foreign policy applause line (who just accused Rumsfeld of gross incompetence, BTW).
9:50pm--Syria? Will it be the next Iraq. If it were, it'd be a pushover. "Ask Iran"?! We need to stop those animals now!
9:53pm--Props to the Iraqis for voting, with the long applause line it deserves. "Sadaam . . . That was the real occupation." A good line to take away from the SOTUA.
9:59pm--Patriotic bromides toward the war and the troops. I thought he'd allude to Vet benefits, but he didn't. It's touching to watch the Texan and the Iraqi interact.
10:03--Now wrapping it up, in seemingly record time (< 1 hour!).
10:11pm (post-mortem)--The pundits are taking away the message from Social Security on this, i.e. that the President openly admitted that the system was going bankrupt. The Democrats are walking away in outright denial on the issue, not healthy. No blogging on the Dem's response will be forthcoming now. I have neither the interest nor the temper to hear the Reid/pelosi spew crap from their mouths.Deep Blue vs. Homer Simpson
It's no longer that Republicans are playing chess, while Democrats play checkers. It's Republicans playing Six-Tiered Star Trek Chess against John Nash while Democrats keep pumping quarters into a rigged slot machine.
This LA Times article can be summed up simply by saying "Republicans are making bold moves to garner future voters, while democrats are still trying to appease old voting blocs."
Meanwhile, Howard Dean looks like a shoe-in for DNC chair. Is not a party chairman usually a quiet behind-the-scenes party loyalist who can shake hands and raise money? Instead, the DNC will be appointing a polarizing, controversial firebrand prone to contradictory statements and unseemly outbursts. His only fund-raising experience consisted of using a Paypal account to raise around $30 Million, which he uselessly pissed away.
It almost makes me wish for the days when there was a fair fight between the parties. Almost.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
You Can Check Out Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave
Joe Donnelley of LA Weekly writes an odious article favoring that California secede from the Union.
The rest of the U.S. has been bearing with California for centuries: building a transcontinental railroad to get to it, fighting a World War in large part to protect it, overruling the illogical rulings from its courts, having its left-leaning politicians skew our laws, and having its media corrupt society. Now when the rest of America begins to say "No! You have to do things our way for a change!" some muse about leaving.
The Civil War wasn't just a war to "end slavery" or "preserve the union". It was fought to fight unfairness. The North had spent years bending over backwards to appease Southern agrarian society, letting their prejudices disproportionately affect nationwide policy. California doesn't want George Bush as President. The Civil War started basically because the South didn't want Abraham Lincoln as their President, even though they had picked most of the Presidents in preceding decades. California has no right to complain if Texans and Southerners choose, in disproportionate numbers, to protect the Blue States and free the world from tyranny.
"The figure in the photo appeared stiff and expressionless."
You think the AP would've suspected something when the speech of the video consisted of "Dherka Dherka Mohammed Jihad Dherka Dherka".