Thursday, March 17, 2005

God Made Wyoming to Train the Faithful

Out of an obscure state with more cows than people, The Equality State sure makes some brilliant politicians statesmen. First Vice President Dick Cheney, and now Senator Mike Enzi. Drudge reports:

**Exclusive Fri Mar 18 2005 00:50:07 ET** The
Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Committee, Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) has requested Terri Schiavo to testify before his congressional committee, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. In so doing it triggers legal or statutory protections for the witness, among those protections is that nothing can be done to cause harm or death to this individual.

Members of Congress went to the U.S. Attorney in DC to ask for a temporary restraining order to be issued by a judge, which protects Terri Schiavo from having her life support, including her feeding and hydration tubes, removed... Developing...

You can thank/congratulate Senator Enzi here.


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